Friday, September 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
The girls working on her form. There was no music playing, but I'm pretty sure she always has a theme song of some sort running through her head.

Summer's last gasp

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
We can always count on a week or two of really great Fall weather. Soon to be followed by reality.


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
The girl made these treats for her class.

And the Chef

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Hard at work and suffering from too much sugar.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


baseball head
Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This is my nephew ... (in-law I guess). Took a line drive off the noggin and you can see the results. Those aren't stitches ... at least not medical stitches.

Little guy is fine!

Monday, September 26, 2005

There. Finally reciprocated with an expanded list of links. Republishing was quick, leading me to believe - I do not have a large blog. My physician (if I had one) would be very happy.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Socializing technology

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Yesterday, the boy tripped at daycare, bit his tongue and bled quite a bit. Leanne called me at work, from her office, wondering if she had to go get the boy early, get him to a doctor, etc ...

I IM'd my dad who happened to be online (for those of you that know, that's not lucky happenstance, at this time of year, i.e. past prime golf season, those are pretty good odds), asked a few questions and could confidently tell Leanne that the boy should be fine.

Thanks dad.

Another nice Sat morn ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This morning, the girl decided that "the girls" would go to gym-kids and "the boys" would stay at home. We showed them. We had a grand time at the school playground, including the boy's first swing on the "big kid" swings. This was followed promptly by his first spill from the "big kids" swing. (I was gonna take a pic of that too, but someone was watching so I thought I should pick him up first.)

Everybody OUT!

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This thing's gonna BLOW!

Fresh off the press

From my girl
Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
My girl drew this, just this morning. Guess who is who. (BTW - that's "DaDDY", not "DUDDY".)

Friday, September 23, 2005

Mmmmm ... Starbucks Thai Noodle salad.

So, is it just me or is it counter-intuitive that the "Show 30 days" in the blogger settings appears to mean 30 distinct days, i.e. regardless of when they were v.s. "30 consecutive days"?

What's the joke - I thought you were open 24 hours? Not in a row!

Also note how I deftly avoided using the collection of letters -"irregardless"?

Note also how I referred to that as a collection of letters, so as not to confuse it with an actual word?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Guessing game.

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Guess how many toy coins I have shoved in my mouth?

Lordy. Lordy.

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Look it's her birthday.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Thirty-four, it's the new Eight. Happy Birthday.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I think I can, I think I can.

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
The boy recalls seeing his sister scramble up the slide on other occassions - he just can't figure out how she did it.

Nice day for a walk.

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Gymkids has started up again. This is the walk back, while it's still nice enough to walk. Nice bonding time.

Lookit me

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
The girl puts her gymkids training to good use.

Another playground

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This is another playground we can walk/bike to for a change of pace. Usually more kids here, because it's by the community center and some baseball fields. (I can feel myself catching a third hand cold just thinking about it.)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Ooh Aah

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Lookit. This thing shows consecutive pic's on the display so you can use provided software to stitch it too.

I click the pics.
I load the pics.
I click to stitch.
I luvvit.

Oops - kinda didn't notice the floating limb thing.
"Renee, I barely knew ya." Kenny.
Happy Birthday Tarnia. Give my best to the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, too.

Grows on you

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
I got 2 things to say ...

- How come I keep getting solicitation comments on my blog? Isn't that "funky word" posting pre-req supposed to deter that sort of behaviour? Or is my profile as a compulsive consumer out there on the cyber-checkout line?

This has been my desktop photo for a while, just because I wanted a new one, but it's really starting to grow on me as a favourite pic.

So there.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Oh my ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Look at what the Canon S2 IS can do out of the box! Now if only I could compose a picture.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Not choosing

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This week - begging for ice cream.
Next week - they should get their squeegies.


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
In some weird Jamie-Lee Curtis flash-back, my boy goes for the book-learnin', while the cousin goes for screen time.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Look closely, what do you see?

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Our plans to be self-sufficient and live off the land needs to be revisited.

On the other hand, I swear if you look closely enough, these carrots look like Michael Jackson's sequined glove. That's gotta be worth something, dontcha think?

Another day, another ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Boy pooped in the tub again this morning. I think it's teaching Jessica the wrong attitude towards contact with poop.

Then again, maybe it was payback for this (photo taken yesterday).

I think the two "adults" are also becoming a little lax, as I compare our reaction the first time the girl did it (we packed up moved) to today's incident (a lengthy, internalized debate over whether "it would keep" until the next time we needed to use the tub).

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bloody 'el ...

I got me one of these ...

And just picked one of these yesterday - (Epson rep happened to be at Best Buy so got way better service than dealing with the bitter pre-Law student who couldn't book a campground for the long weekend) ...

Now where the hell is this?!?! Related to that ... where's my shipping tracking number you e-bay ... L I A R ... so I can see where it is?!?!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Too early to tell

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Oddly, this doesn't bother me. I guess I just want my kids to be happy.

9-02 At School Park

9-02 At School Park
Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
This is the park we usually go to, behind J1's pre-school. 15 minute walk, 10 minute by bike if it's just her and I.

One day during pre-school playtime, she christened one of the bridges. This blog will likely have quite a few bathroom stories for a while yet.

It used to be relaxing to just sit and watch him/her/them play. But now the boy wants to do everything his "jie-jie" is doing - kinda hard when your legs are about 8 inches long.


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
I'm leaving ... and all I need is this wagon ... and this bicycle. (S. Martin, "The Jerk", sorta)