Sunday, May 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
... and back to the kid's museum. Except, this is the first time ever that we've availed ourselves of the outdoor music area. They've got huge windchimes; these "kettle" drums; some sort of combo zither-metal drum thing; and these long plastic toobs that you play with paddles.

(I know it's "tubes", but if I spell it "toobs" then you can "toobs" like Ah-nawld.)

Clearly, we'll be spending more time there.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Safe Grad 2006

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
The girl thinks that she's been "congraduated". We won't even try "matriculation".

Thursday, May 25, 2006

All better

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Turned out to be a one day thing with the boy. Today, his breakfast, lunch and supper - hotdogs outside no less - all stayed where they were intended.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Turn your head ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
... and growl.

I think I mentioned earler that we have a season's pass to the kid's museum? Well, we have one b/c we got it with a season's pass to the zoo too.

This was from our 2nd visit this year so far. For some reason, they had the grizzly and the polar sharing space, like a bruin co-op or something. Anyways, the grizzly had a stash of fish and was not sharing, so mostly they were slapping each other. Here, it appears that the polar bear was trying a more diplomatic tact. I have more slapping photo's that follow this shot.

That was yesterday ... today, the boy has failed to keep his food down 6 times.

Meanwhile, I continue to debate whether or not I should buy Johnny Marr and the Healers - after listening to about 8 seconds of all the tracks several times. How come blogger doesn't have a polling feature?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Chez Chaise

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Our new club chairs. I only get to sit in them after the kids have gone to bed.

Soooo ... has anyone heard anything about an upcoming Tom Hanks movie? Heard a rumour on the down low, that it's about museums or churches or some such ... must be a documentary.

Glass half-full

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
So the last episode of West Wing that I thought I had taped? Not so much. No one's allowed to talk to me about Season 7 of the West Wing until the end of the summer repeat season. Booooo

But, my DVD Box set of Seasons 1 - 5 (won off e-bay) showed up this week. Booooo-Yaaaaaaaa

Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend Report

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Well, it's not France, but the kids still like the playground at the school. It's beyond me how long they can amuse themselves playing with rocks.

Somewhere along the way, the boy's decided he likes baseballs. And, even though I've never played catch with him - he's figured out how to throw one.

Hat girl

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
For some reason - she's into hats now.