Sunday, May 27, 2007

Took the boy for a speech assessment at the suggestion of his doctor. It turns out he doesn't have any major impediments, he just needs to s l o w d o w n. (I coulda told them that.)

Playing with clips from my Casio EX-V7 and run through Sony Vegas to add audio.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
It hasn't been that long since we washed your blanket has it?

Even Steven

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Took a bit, but finally got a chance to spend the day with the girl - after having spend a day with the boy a few months back. Regardless, the day always starts with breakfast at Cora's.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
... her easiest decision of the weekend was whether to go for the topping, the creamy center or an all-in-one.

Harder decisions were choosing between the ferris wheel, the Monster Swings or something called "Wipeout".

These are the swings - she ended up riding that only once. That's "Wipeout" in the lower-left of the photo - you ride in buckets and it whips around forwards and backwards and while tilting, shifting it's axis and varying speed between fast, crazy fast and "no loose change allowed." No other pics, because that was a "two-handed" ride.

Happy Mother's Day.

Wild weekend

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
... at the local community center carnival. This was the hit ride for the boy this year ... a step up from the cars/boats/aircrafts that just go in a circle - these faux-Nemo characters would actually go up and down.