Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14/09 The Boy's Soccer

After four games, he's got 5 goals and about a dozen break-aways.

About two degrees outside today - perfect for Canadian soccer.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Parental Guidance Suggested

Originally uploaded by Lao Er
No, I am not going to take you to see Wolverine.

Girl Interrupted

Originally uploaded by Lao Er
It must be getting nice outside, because the girl just developed a bubble fracture, which I'm told was not the subject of a Seinfeld episode, effectively bursting my bubble.

So for at least the next 10 days, no community soccer, soccer camp, or soccer tournament. No swimming, biking or general outdoor frivolity of any kind. I guess she'll be kicking my bubble at Mario Karts for a while.