Sunday, November 20, 2005

Snow day

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
It got to about 6 above today. Perfect snowman building weather. Only, we didn't have much snow in our yard. For some reason, our landscaping causes more run-off than all our neighbours. Still, we managed to get two guys up.

Then afterwards, as depicted here, the boy did some tai-chi with the bigger one.


World Wide Alternative said...

Hi! Your blog is very funny. I love your 'boy' & 'girl' they are super cute. Your 'boy' is a good indercater as to what I can expect for my 'girl' & me over the next few months. Thanks for the warning & come check her out...

Love POPPY's mum. XX

Anonymous said...

Um... the snowman's holding some sorta pick-axe and it looks like it's about to stab the boy in the head.

It must be a Tsai trait to shoot (pictures) first, save loved ones second.

MiddleChild said...

Now see, JGT - you had the opportunity to say "shoot (pictures) first and ask questions (like should I save loved ones) later".

Have you forgotten your basic comedy formulae?

BTW - today's word verification is "mvishruy" - which is deeee-lish with peanut sauce.

Anonymous said...

I had the formulae, I just didn't have a calculator and it's been a while since I've done calculus in my head.

"mvishruy" must be an acquired taste... it sounds "ikfiu" to me!