Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hey there, There goes ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Guo Tie and Cong You Bing for supper.

The boy seemed to eat ok today, despite having yakked his cookies the night before. But, see that red spot on his right cheek/jawline? Looks like he's got chicken pox.

Poor guy just not getting any breaks. (You know how the joke goes from here.)

Well, at least my dad was able to tell me what the rash and spots were (once he got his e-mail attachments worked out). It's better knowing what I'm dealing with here ... by myself. Thanks again, Ye-Ye.

Of course, stoopid me ... had the kids sleeping together in the same bed. I might as well let them use the same toothbrush ... oh cr*p, that means they can't have their bath together tomorrow either like they always want to.

At least now I have an excuse for ordering food for delivery, 'cuz I can't take them out anywhere. I better stop, this is quite the conversation I'm having with myself.

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