Monday, December 04, 2006

Pretty fly for my little guy ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
Cross my keyboard, but the boy made progress this weekend in the potty training arena ... wasn't that the name of the old engineering building on campus?

Saturday was ... messy. But he did great on Sunday and only had one mishap early this morning. Made it through daycare and all the way to bed time!

To think, all it took was Thomas Train gitch ... so what if they cost $30 a piece?


Architect said...

Crazy-we just bought the exact same underwear yesterday for the same purpose. Apparently there's an unspoken universal code amongst two year olds - "NEVER SOIL THOMAS"

MiddleChild said...

Yeah ... but did he/will he be smart enough to "pooh-pooh" (literally and figuratively) on the cheaper Star Wars and more generic dinosaur underwear?

Tsaichotic said...

I haven't heard the term 'gitch' in ages!!!

Architect said...

was the "little mishap" him falling down the stairs because you were too busy taking pictures to turn on the light?

MiddleChild said...

Hey - when he pays the bills, he can turn on the lights.

Fourth day - relatively accident free!

Anonymous said...

We just let our day care do the training ...

MiddleChild said...

We can't afford that class of child care facility.