Monday, October 10, 2005

Latest web-craze ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
I hope this doesn't spike web-traffic to the point where I'm disallowed the use of these fine services. Still, I think it's worth risking to introduce (what I think) will be the latest notion soon to be ripped off in countless knock-off variations. Here we go ...

Plant? or Weed?

Vote now.


Tsaichotic said...

That looks like the beginning of some sort of celery, so my vote is PLANT. However, if indeed it is celery, Jane will oppose and say it's a weed.

Anonymous said...

If it's celery, then it's the spawn of the Devil... so "C" - None of the above.

Anonymous said...

I would say weed, but it probably doesn't matter, as I expect that you should be getting your "killing frost" soon enough.

Tsaichotic said...

If I were a superhero, I would want 'killing frost' to be my superpower.