Monday, November 07, 2005

Day after ....

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
It's becoming a ritual - the day after Halloween - the girl gets a bunch of costumes from sale bins. This is Belle. She got several other Princesses, none of which I can distinguish from each other, save the singularity of colour. Kinda like a visual cacophny of bride's maids dresses.


Tsaichotic said...

Did you read the packaging, were you told or did you simply just know that this one is Belle?

Jay-too said...

Apparently, Disney came out with their Princess collection this year, its all the rage now. The Girl is in the know!

MiddleChild said...

Belle I know ... she's the one in yellow. Mermaid I know is seafoam. Everyone else/all the other colours - may as well be Joanie or Ciaci (I never did know the spelling, or which was which).

Of course the girl knows because she's in the inner circle at both day-care and pre-school.