Who's been following this saga ...
Synopsis is ...
- 10 year old girl finds coffee cup in the garbage at school and remembers it's part of contest.
- 10yr-old asks a 12 year old friend for help with rolling-up-the-rim (of the cup, which is how you check for prizes)
- turns out it's a winner for a new SUV
This is when the "adult's" start getting involved ...
- 10yr-old girl's father gets to school first, takes the cup with the intent (I think he told a teacher at school) of selling it and offer some of the money to the 12yr-old's family
- then 12yr-old girl's mother arrives and says the prize should be all theirs and takes her appeal to a radio station, which prompts the 10yr-old's father to change his mind re: sharing prize
This is when lawyer's start getting involved ...
- At some point along the way, one of the teacher's got involved claiming that the cup was originally his and that the prize should be his.
- His lawyer is asking for a DNA sample of the cup
- Tim Horton's position is - whomever shows up with the prize cup first gets the prize - full stop
Here's my question ... anyone that I've talked to thinks it's pretty cut and dry - 10yr-old gets the prize by virtue of "finder's keepers". Up to the 10yr-old to decide whether or not to share anything with 12yr-old. Teacher should pound salt. All adults involved should be ashamed.
Anyone have countering opinions on that? I'm interested in both people's opinions, but also in finding out if there's any correlation with the affiliated opinions, i.e. do people tend to hang around with people who share the same general principles on matters such as this?
I've read that in one workplace, there was a 50-50 split for those that think the 10yr-old and 12yr-old have a claim. Admittedly, people can't control who they hang around with at the workplace, however, there may be an "industry" correlation as well. This was a reporter who polled his office. (yeah, yeah, yeah - ouch, I know.)
As far as I know, I haven't heard of anyone (other than his lawyer) who is siding with the teacher.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
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It should go to the 10 year old who can then decide if any of it goes to her family. Obviously they need the money. Why else would she be rummaging through the garbage... she isn't getting fed enough at home.
I pick the 10 yo. Although, why she needed help rolling up the rim bothers me a little.
She's weak from not having anything to eat.
Or she has no arms.
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