Monday, October 10, 2005

Then the tryptophan kicked in ...

Originally uploaded by Lao Er.
... causing slow-down in the girl's LRFM (1) resulting in a bit of a header ... uhhh .. or face-er.

Took it like a trooper, including the rather largish gauze pad. But it allowed her to make use of the large red band-aids. Yeah!

(1) Limb Response Feedback Mechanism


Tsaichotic said...

I can't believe you made her pose for a picture...


MiddleChild said...

Heh - what makes you think I can "make her" do anything?

This was taken a few minutes later, after a neighbour kid came over to play and her facial lacerations were already a distant memory ... until later when she wanted something because "my face hurts". She's gnutsl.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend ham next year.